Ahhh the touchy subject of money. I have been asked about the subject of funding a bit now, and yes I will confess it is an issue. Having only 2 computers to work with at the moment and my main older than time itself, the reality of rendering and editing becomes an issue. Putting food on the table becomes an issue, keeping the family happy is always going to be an issue. Such is the struggle of a starving artist, so funding becomes a real issue, and ad sense can only go so far.
The options people have offered are good but come with some challenges
1: Pre-order DVD's: Well this is a great idea except for one thing. This is my first major project, it often pays to have somethign concrete to offer more than a simple blog and website, so whilst pre-order is in the works, I feel that concentrating on offering you the files free to look at and work on yourselves is a better option before pre-order so you can see that indeed something concrete is in the works
2: Paypal donations: Considering this seriously, but at the moment still holding back until I know that I have at least some greater support on this project
3: Release something: Ah hah, now there we go. On to the subject of the "Pre-Disk"
As you know I am producing the Prelude movie for release in the winter of next year. A 10 minute prologue to the main feature release. It occured to me this would be a perfect opportunity to make some money for the project, so I have decided to release a Pre-Disk. Consider this the first official open movie release from Manga Gothic Media. As with the main release, this disk will contain the full prologue movie (which has now been officially titled; "The War of the Worlds: The Harvest") and the all the files used to create the movie you wont find on the main feature release DVD. This release will be a unique release and not included in the War of the Worlds 4/5 disk set. If interest in this project is high enough I will make a pre release, but pricing has yet to be decided. But anyone who contribute financially to the project will get a title listing in the credits.
So there you have, a new announcement. I hope it's wet your appetite, and if you feel obliged to assist in anyway, feel free to contact me at mangagothicmedia@gmail.com
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