Blender is a fantastic tool. It's not only free but powefrul too. Easy to use and so full of profesional potential I am amazed it's not used as much as it could be. But I digress, why War of the Worlds? Well simply put it's my favourite novel of all time. It was years ahead of it's time, written in a time when man was assured in his mastery of the natural world, nothing could shake it's empire. The British Empire was at it's peek, and whilst the Victorian Brit took solace in his decadent empire, they so easily turned a blind eye to the price that boughtabout their Imperium age. With equal malevolance, H.G. Wells wrote a novel about an invasion, not from across the seas but across the stars to the very heart of the British Empire. The cold supieror minds of an alien race looking down upon us as little as ants in a hill standing in their way of rightful possesion of our planet. It was this wake up call to humanity that opened up his eyes to the sheer potential horror of an uncaring universe, and the very real reality that in the grand scheme of creation, we were but little specs in a seemingly ageless universe. Later H.P. Lovecraft would take that concept further with his famous novels that only tapped on the surface of beings older than time itself and who's sentience and wisdom was enough to drive the average man insane with malign chaotic madness.

There have been many interpretations of the novel since it's publication way back in 1897. It's true no one can even hope to perfect on the orginal, and the creator of this work will not pretend that he can or will do otherwise. I have decided to go against convention, however, and approach my film from a more Gothic Noir perspective, taking vocal narrative well out of the equation and focusing purely on visual storytelling, as well as the use of sound. The colour scheme itsef will be lmitied to black, white, red and green, the primary colours behind the book, and a more cartoon look but with heavy emphasis on horror. It is my hope the dread colour scheme combinded with a equally dread score will convey the horror well enough. It's ging to be trial and error but I hope you will see what it is I am trying to achieve as the blog continues.
I want to impress however this is my personal project and nothing to do with my professional work
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